Ed Young’s latest Satanic tirade.

YDESIRE PROTEST BY BEAUTIFUL BLACK SOUTH AFRICADIABOLICAL really, but the devil works in mysterious ways, and Ed Young is no exception. Aside from the fact that he is probably getting paid by Arthrob to reveal his innermost angst, and post-acne mutterings, some of which may or may not involve Devil-worship, his ongoing Jew-baiting is becoming somewhat of a problem.

Now I am not accusing Young of being anti-Semitic, that would be cheap, rather, his invective falls into a pattern that is so often the case these days with white South African youth who never experienced the repression of the eighties, and now have neither the guts nor the temerity to fight for freedom of expression. It is bad enough that our courts are starting to err on the side of profanity, (as the Faasen case shows) protecting middle-class bureaucrats like Young, who use hate speech to illustrate a point (as if elevating abuse to the level of speech somehow renders the abuse beyond the pale of justice) and whose invective comes pretty damn close to being obscene.

The Bruce Gordon Circus

CAPE TOWN empresario, chick magnet and purveyor of hard liquor held what must be rated as one of the most Over the Top (OTT) 60th birthday celebrations ever. The date – Saturday April 5, The venue, the Royal Albert Hall in the bohemian paradise of Lower Woodstock. Here are some snippets — I am greeted by Wonder Woman, a barrage of artists on roller skates, odd members of a 70 piece orchestra, Waddy Jones and an “8-year-old boy” whom I mistake for a live alien from Zeta Reticuli.


The alien is eyeballing me, with the ancient eyes of a creature who has just traveled a million light years across the interstellar tide in a fifties flying saucer (with matching soap dish). I rub my brow, but everything is still out of focus. Is this it, an extraterrestrial contactee, at an art party of all places? My unconscious screams — I am co-hallucinating, or maybe somebody slipped me a Mickey Finn? It all compresses down, an 8 foot high human transmogrified into an Eloi. I may as well have tripped down a rabbit hole and ended up with Jessica, the March Hare and the Red Queen.