Memorandum from Senior Commanders and Commissars of the former military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe.
1. We, the undersigned, are all committed cadres of the African National Congress, having served our glorious movement for many decades. Throughout our lives, and whenever the need arose, we did not hesitate to raise our hands to be counted among those who could be deployed by the ANC in the service of our country. Whatever the challenges we faced, whatever the risks we had to endure, we gave our all. In responding to the call of duty, we never strove for personal benefit, status or power. We executed our tasks as commanded to us by the leadership of the ANC, comfortable in the knowledge that the decisions of the leadership were based solely on the selfless pursuit of the well-being of our people. As such, we did not hesitate to shed our quota of blood.
2. We responded to the call of duty, because we correctly believed, as we still do, in the centrality of the ANC in the people’s struggle against apartheid, and in the democratic transformation of our society to achieve a better life for the people of our country.
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11. Further, over the years we have witnessed, amongst other things, the rise of factions and slates, the diminishing quality of ANC cadreship, the rise of antagonisms within the Alliance, the breakaway of Unions from Cosatu, the break-up of the ANC youth League, the marginalization of committed ANC comrades, the rise of vulgar and unsophisticated politics within the ANC, the silencing of critical but necessary voices within the ANC, the wanton destabilization of critical state institutions, the wasteful expenditure of state resources, the devaluing of the critical institution of Parliament, the erosion of trust within the various arms of the State, the unprecedented rise of patronage and cronyism, the Juniorization of the State and the ANC and most alarming of them all, the use of the State machinery for the private interest of the few.
Signed by General Siphiwe Nyanda
on behalf of the following
Brig Gen Damian de Lange
Mongezi India
Amb Mzuvukile Maqetuka
Mavuso Msimang
Jabu Moleketi
Sindiso Mfenyana
Bob Mhlanga
Dipuo Mvelase
Amb George Nene
Amb Welile Nhlapo
Greg Ntha
Gen Nhlanhla Ngwenya
James Ngculu
Gibson Njenje
Brig Gen Ngqose
Dr. Ayanda Ntsaluba
Zukile Nomvete
Commissioner George Rasegatla
Johnny Sexwale
Brig gen Sejake
Ka Shabangu
Amb Moe Shaik
Sipho Twala
Mike Thusi
Dr. Snuki Zikalala
Ambassador Super Moloi – [email protected]
Colonel Mafa Scelo Ngeleza – [email protected]
Terrence Tryon – [email protected]
Mandla Langa – [email protected]
Nehru “Banda” Mali – [email protected]
Molefe “Sugar” [email protected]
Brig Joseph Maselele Jongile – [email protected]
George Mnisi – [email protected]
Meshack Mei – [email protected]
Jabu Sithole – [email protected]