The confused ‘wokeness’ that passes for online debate these days

IT ALL started with a thread on about ‘how Cape Town was started’, and ‘who lived here before the settlers arrived’?  The platform has become a haven for fringe groups, including opposition parties.

Extremist politician Mehmet Dag, the man behind attempts to remove Green Point’s “Rainbow Crossing”, (whose one-man political party literally campaigned on a platform to implement the death penalty for LGBT, losing its deposit and failing to gain a single ward), was one of the first to weigh in: “Mandela is a Xhosa man The individuals referred to as Khoisan (a name assigned by Afrikaners) I found it difficult to accept the existence of Khoisans in the Western Cape. They were, in fact, Xhosa individuals. The children of Dutch soldiers, known as Coloured people, were born of Xhosa mothers and Dutch fathers. Know your history.”

The conspiratorial tone continued ad nauseum with many claiming “There are no Khoisan” (Rather it was the Xhosa, or at least a ‘Xhosa-affiliated’ group who held territory before the Portuguese and later Dutch arrived, and thus simply telling the story ‘is all a plot to divide and conquer and, steal land.’

Some members of MKP posted essays sans any citations, claiming well-known members of the GNU were behind a bizarre campaign to revise history.

The first time a European person spoke to Africans we lost our land culture dignity and sense of directions. Look like they coming for our history. We will never stop planning and plotting for your kind to go back to where you come from. We will never accept you, bloody swines.” wrote Seni

Vasco da gama in 1510 fought Xhosas and was defeated by xhosas hence Portugal couldn’t colonize South Africa.” added ‘Mr Riley’

Some of the postings went so far as to assert Xhosa identity over the issue despite our own National Assembly passing legislation in 2017 recognising Khoi-san leadership. “Khoi-San communities in the North West Province had thus been “optimistic that the draft Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill will restore their dignity, and at the time urged “Parliament to revoke all the laws that refer to them as “coloured” people”

In 2024, the Annual Opening of the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders was celebrated.

But the merry crowd of smart-phone warriors, neighsayers, revisionists and flat-earth pundits on were having none of it:

Abathwa…That’s What The Tribe Is Called. The ONLY “Khoisans” that can be confirmed are those that ASSIMILATED to African tribes bcoz their clan names were preserved – e.g. Gqunukwebe (assimilated to amaXhosa in 17th century. AmaGqunukwebe became a royal house of amaXhosa under King Tshiwo who reigned between 1670–1702.”

Educate these fools who try and distraught history to make the Khoi’s coloureds, mojority Khois shared clans with amaXhosa but they want to make as if they know better than us.

You propagating lies, The BaThwa who are in Zim and the Pygmies in DRC are related to the !Xam and Khwe! Are you going to say they must leave because they are only native here?”

All I know is San & Bantu tribes live about where they have for ages if they used to spread about more that was stopped by settlements of the settlers who wipe out nations and rewrote history to suite they’re narrative. Examples of what was done here are all over the world.” — Sphezi Mkhathi

Can the settlers just stop it with their altered silly history of South Africa. Y’all need to focus on Europe and it’s history since y’all come from there. Leave Africa to Africans, y’all will never be Africans, no matter how hard you fight or change history. Pathetic c$nts  — Bashene

Some comments that could constitute an ’emotional plague’

Why are you commenting o the affairs of 1651 and before then No amount of historical alterations will cover the Pillage Murder Lies that settlers came with” — Boreka Motlanthe

They want to use them as a vehicle to justify holding on to stolen land because they want to create a break away Country similarly to Israel, so they will need some Natives on board to cement that. — Musa

“Start with the origins of the name Khoisan. Once done, understand the closeness of the 3 Sotho languages. So close that Borwa and Barwa mean the same thing in the respective languages. However, Borwa and Barwa are absolutely not the same thing. Please, my brother. –Podu

“have seen mostly Tswana people, black Namibians and some Xhosa who actually speak some of the khoi languages as well. They are on tik tok if you search. You must actually visit North west, free state, Botswana and you will see they share similar culture and features with khoi –Ntombi Black

The approach this “khoisan” topic is happening is really weird and not productive. We see a lot of “coloured” people coming out and claiming this title. It’s weird and sad because unmixed “khoi” people exist, and I never see them coming out to do these claims. – – Ntombi Black

Point of correction, my good brother. The Khoi (Khoikhoi in full) and The San, are two different “tribes” or “clans”. The Khoi were stable citizens while the San were Hunter Gatherers and had no place of settlement. The San are modern day Batswana, the Khoi mostly Xhosa. — Phillix M. Kokwele

Why is a disgusting settler minding the business that does not concern him. Ypu should be worried that us natives still have intention to dubuli ibhunu for our land. One settler 10 blts. -seni

Correction the name & town yes didnt exit however the mountain ,the two oceans,the sunsets,the beaches  the whole land was always there millions of years before the fuc&*ken Portugese & fokken Voortrekkers

Eventually somebody posted a video of Julius Malema : “We call people Zimbabweans, Malawians, Makwerekwere When we are Makwerekwere as we come from where they come from None of us come from here, we came from the North & found the Koi & San in Southern Africa & settled here We must welcome others as well

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