VIDEO has emerged of appalling conditions inside what appears to be a ‘Concentration Camp for the Homeless‘. The Strandfontein temporary site was setup by the Western Cape administration acting in conjunction with National Government. Its homeless inmates were rounded up two weeks ago when the national lockdown started.
A report from inside the internment camp shows an insider explaining in Afrikaans that ‘everyone is sleeping up against each other’, there is no social distancing, no separation of men and women, lots of condensation from ground water, since the site is right on the beach in Strandfontein.
More alarming is the apparent failure to separate adults, youths and children.
SAPS Western Cape are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the rape of an 18-year-old girl by a 36-year-old male last night at the ‘Strandfontein temporary shelter’.
A news report carried by INM, explains, that while the inmates or ‘guests of the state’ were apparently ‘free to leave’, they would simply get arrested again for disobeying the lockdown.
“We are forced here. It’s like a concentration camp.” Is how Tracey van der Pool described the conditions at the Strandfontein sports complex.
The facility is clearly operating in contravention of Article 12 of our Bill of Rights. All citizens have a fundamental right to be brought before a judge within 48 hours following their arrest, but of course, the latest annex to Pollsmoor Prison is posing as a ‘solution to the pandemic’ in terms of the National Disaster Act and nobody has been charged.
The Children’s Act defines a child as ‘any person under the age of 18.’
Earlier another video emerged of a petty confrontation between the ANC’s Cameron Dugmore and DA’s JP Smith at a media briefing at the site last week, in which Dugmore proceeds to ignore the unsanitary conditions and instead tackles JP Smith over his alleged failure to give SAPS hand sanitiser.
Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu says her department has identified five informal settlements whose residents will be requested to relocate as concerns grow around the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Neither SAPS nor the SAHRC are likely to act given their bad track record on dealing with similar matters.
In 2002 the Mental Health Act was amended to prevent involuntary medical commitment for economic reasons.
Volunteers from various Community Action Networks have written a letter listing their objections and concerns about the living conditions at the Strandfontein Sports ground site. The group have encouraged people to sign the letter before Monday, 13 April 2020 at midday, as it will be sent to Mayor Dan Plato.
In another twist, the City has been issuing fines of R500 to inmates, which may contravene rights of prisoners.
SEE: Doctors Without Borders makes scathing findings against City’s Strandfontein shelter
SEE: The Strandfontein Relocation Camp is a test of our morality as a city
Strandfontein Homeless Facility is appalling,@SAHRCommission.
We attach a video taken by a homeless person showing no physical distancing, no masks or gloves, no seperstion of men, women and married couples, etc.
Please do you own investigation urgently.— ACDP South Africa (@A_C_D_P) April 9, 2020