SABC crisis protest march

Frankly, I am a bit tired of the rigged debates and bad programming on SABC. Save the public broadcaster from censorship through boredom. Stop SABC news from becoming His Masters Voice.


As you all know, the television industry is staging a peaceful protest action against the SABC on 4 June 2009. The response to our call for companies and individuals to join us has been well received and our numbers are growing. Many unions, actors and musicians are on board and we will also be putting out a call to the public to get involved.

What can you do to make the protest a success?

1. Spread the word. Forward this mail to everyone you know who might want to join in the protest.
2. Dress in red. Turn up at the protest wearing red to signify the red tape that is strangling our industry.
3. Make bright, loud, witty banners and placards. Some of the slogans we are putting out there include: We Can’t Survive On Air; Save Our Shows; South Africa Is Watching You; Pay Up: It’s The Right Thing To Do; Roll Tape, Not Red Tape; Programs, Not Perks etcetera. Use your imagination and wit and tell the SABC what you think.
4. Send an SMS. We will be calling on South Africa to send an SMS that tells the SABC what people think of the current crisis. We will collate these comments and deliver them to the powers that be as well as the media. The number to send to: 31970. Your SMS must start with the word TV. SMS’s are charged at 50 cents.
5. Contribute to logistics. We are still asking for people to volunteer to serve as marshals at the protest. We are also still in need of loud hailers and of luminous bibs for marshals to wear. If you know of any suppliers who can donate these things for the protest, get in touch with them.

· Date: Thursday 4th June 2009
· 10.30: Joburg – Gather at Atlas Studios in Milpark for rally
· 12.00: Cape Town – Gather on grass in front of SABC
· 12.00: Joburg – March to SABC
· 13.00: Joburg and Cape Town – march and picket at SABC
· 13.45: Joburg – Hand over memorandum

OUR CONTACT: [email protected]
The action will be a peaceful protest and will be controlled by marshals. It is important to stress that we are adopting a positive tone. The TVIEC is fighting FOR the SABC – for a transparent, fair and sustainable SABC that upholds the values of a credible and responsible public broadcaster, respectful of the South African public and its key partner in content supply – the local production sector, their casts and crews. Once again, please forward this communication to your employees, colleagues, members and industry acquaintances.

This letter is written on behalf of the TVIEC (Television Industry Emergency Coalition) which consists of: IPO (Independent Producers Organization), SASFED (South African Screen Federation), TPA (The Producers Alliance), DFA (Documentary Filmmakers Association), WGSA (Writers Guild of South Africa) as well as the CWU (Creative Workers Union).


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