2010: Cape Town Arts still “Cinderella Status”

AS Cape Town gears up for the 2010 soccer world cup, fears are being expressed that local arts and culture will be driven onto the sidelines as much-needed financial support is redirected into building and construction around the soccer stadium. Instead of seeing the event as a purely FIFA affair, it should rather be seen as an opportunity for Capetonians from all walks of life to express how they feel about the Mother city.

Soccer fans coming to Cape Town want a lot more than the soccer. The whole city is being revamped, but as usual, arts and culture enjoys Cinderella Status. This blog would therefore like to announce a competition for the best Cape Town Anthem. Aspiring composers and musicians are asked to incorporate landmarks, history and geography into a modern theme that can be used to combat the FIFA-fication of Cape Town. We are not simply a soccer venue, and a lot more should come out of the cup than a bunch of horribly deconstructed buildings that nobody will be able to afford to use or occupy after the tournament goes away.

Cape Town deserves a lot more from its City than foreign aid, Swiss dignitories and Pommies making money. Where are the opportunities for locals to participate in the economic feasting that is going on behind closed doors? It is time for the City to put money on the table as far as the Arts are concerned, without which, the World Cup will be just another World Cup without anything except Table Mountain to remind an international audience that Cape Town exists.

Send Entries to Cape Town Anthem, PO Box 4398, Cape Town 8000

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