Radio is my Bomb — letter to Amatomu

Dear Amatomu,Since there is no contact for Amatomu, I am writing this knowing that there is very little likelihood a real human being will answer. Since the age of robots and people like Mathew Buckland, Vinc Mayer and Riaan Wolmeraans, I have had to deal with what Paulina Borsook calls “Cyberselfish”. People in positions of power forget that we exist. By that I mean, everyone who is not on the other side of your /.

So I get it you’re so big, that you don’t have to worry about human rights in cyberspace? That you can simply delete postings at will without bothering to run any of this past the editor? I edit my own blog. In fact I own my own words, my blog is named after me. It is a literary extension of myself. No need to tell me to f-off, because you already have. The thing is, now having gone from the M&G blogspot, to Amagama, you’re punting Amatomu, no relation, as the next big thing.

Guess what, It looks great. I wish you luck. Also, I want in, but dare I associate myself with a bunch of digital fascists?

Since you maintain this is SA BLOGSPACE, and have the balls to sell all of SA BLOGOSPHERE to advertisors, I have one or two concerns:

a) Is this a false claim, that you are making up, since most obviously, you don’t own my blog?

b) What is your position on copyright? Under SA Law, the publisher owns copyright, and that would mean AMATOMU owns copyright on every blog in SA!!!!!

c) Are you paying individual blogs for hits?

I am not going away. If the above is not sorted out, I intend doing the following:

a) Suing for copyright infringement.

b) Reporting you to the advertising standards authority for making false claims.

c) Combating this by any means necessary

Yours truly,

David Robert Lewis

PS: Look forward to my forthcoming RADIO IS MY BOMB interview on Zoopy!

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