
Society has come a long way since 1899 when the Edinburgh Society of Scotswomen demanded the flogging of men who commit sexual assault. Now women are demanding an end to spanking. The latest round of South Africa’s controversial “spanking clause” in a law that would ban parents from using any corporal punishment on their children is apparantly being reworded “after several MPs expressed concern that the proposed law was going too far and would prove unworkable.” The law was passed by the National Council of Provinces but needs the approval of parliament.

Isn’t it any wonder that we now have a nanny-state, that flogs those who dare to spank? In fact, a future in which invasion of privacy become the order of the day, as Big Boetie puts up spy-cams to peak into our bedrooms is not all that far off. Mbeki’s technocratic corporate state is in the process of outlawing sado-masochistic sex and the traditional chastisement of teenagers, who, say pundits, should be rather pampered with psychological councelling and given neuroleptic drugs instead of scolding.

Nevertheless, the silly portfolio committee dealing with the Children’s Rights Amendment Bill,  hopes to be able to scrutinise into every nook and cranny, even if doing so could wind up becoming an offence. The proposed kiddy ban on what is mistakenly called corporal punishment of precocious teenagers, but is actually reasonable and civilised chastisement in the sanctity of the home,  comes after the National Council of Provinces was lobbied by misguided children’s rights activists into extending the foot of big brother into the mouth of ones mother.


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