South Africa’s Commercial Press taking flack

Headline today: Media24 in hot water. Apparently staff have been misrepresenting circulation figures to advertisers, resulting in a furore over billing. A routine audit of a number of Media24 magazine titles, according to IOL has revealed “certain discrepancies”, the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) was reported as saying on Friday.

The ABC had apparently asked Media24 to restate the circulation data of some titles, according to ABC general manager Charles Beiles, raising the question of what else is the African Media Giant hiding? Well, this blog can reveal that there is a lot more going on at Media24. Take the group’s attempts to squash my own case of discrimination (in which I have complained about racism and antiSemitism after being fired for writing a piece about a black jazz musician for a community newspaper published “in a coloured target market” nogal), or the failure to report  the pathetic gagging and “urgent interdict” brought against my person, for supposedly publishing “false or misleading statements” of the kind the group is now having to restate.

Can one really believe the kind of brainwashing going on nowadays? Especially when corporate media start looking a lot like just another sports and entertainment utility and less like the daily press. Well, you heard it from me, so for what its worth, check out Zoopy, an interesting new video utility that allows one to upload the truth without fear of censorship, and keep on blogging.

That’s all for now, I’m off for a surf.

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2630_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_1.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2632_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_2.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2633_David_ Robert_lewis_ My_Story_ Part_3.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2653_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_4.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2655_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_5.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2656_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_6.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2662_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_7.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2665_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_8.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2673_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_9.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2690_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_10.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2693_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_11.html

http://www.zoopy. com/video_ 2694_David_ Robert_Lewis_ My_Story_ Part_12.html

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