Media Freedom: Cape Times — Not that sort of liberal?

“The Rand Daily Mail was the only paper directly to support the Progressive Party. Its sister paper, the Cape Times, supported the United Party, which wanted a more gentle apartheid, and The Star called on people to vote for anyone except the National Party. The Afrikaans newspapers were unanimous in their unequivocal support for the ruling party.” Anton Harber, The Untimely Death of South Africa’s finest daily, published in Sunday Times, May 1, 2005.

NEED one say more? I guess one should say something since the comment above is aimed at the politics of the 1970s and the anniversary of the death of South Africa’s only liberal newspaper twenty years ago. It is quite evident from reading Harber, that the Cape Times, a conservative title owned by media giants The Independent Group, nailed its colours to the mast decades ago with its open support of apartheid, albeit in a different form.

Reach for the Size Issue and real Media Freedom Click to read more of the above.

  1. you spelt his name wrong

  2. Good thing there’s an update tool.

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